Name change guide

A guide to changing your name because it's an administrative hassle and I wish I had some shortcuts

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Changing your name


Hello, my name is Laura. I am a software engineer living in London, and I’ve recently changed my name legally. It was not super easy. So not easy that I thought I would document the processes I went through with different organisations to help others.

Overall it did go well. But there were one or two gotchas that caught me out and I’ve had to redo forms, re-upload documents, or rearrange appointments. Hopefully, if you read through these, you’ll get a better idea of what to do and make your plan.

As always, your mileage may vary! Use the information to form your own plan. This is just my own experience, and the order I followed was not the most efficient in hindsight.


The order of steps is sometimes mandatory by requirements, sometimes just what you’re comfortable doing!

My order

However, if I were to redo it I would follow instead this order:

Order redo

Some light reasoning for this:

Pages I’m writing